Subfamily: SONNERATIINAE Destombes, Juignet, & Rioult, 1973
Genus: OTOHOPLITES, Steinmann, 1925
Type species: Otohoplites raulinianus (D'ORBIGNY, 1841)
Rather inflated to compressed, with looped or zigzagging ribs ending in oblique ventro-lateral clavi, generally with ribs zigzagging across venter; adult body chamber of macroconchs smooth, with rounded venter.


Otohoplites waltoni Casey, 1964

Catalogue No: F/A/0275/JKC
Site: Folkestone, Kent
Family: HOPLITIDAE, H. Douvilleé, 1890
Subfamily: SONNERATINAE Destombes, Juignet, & Rioult, 1973
Species: Otohoplites waltoni Casey 1964
Measurement : Diameter 49mm
Albian Stage: Early Albian
Bed & Position: Douvilleiceras mammillatum Zone - main "mammillatum" bed
Preservation: Phosphatised

a. Wright C. W. 1996. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (Part L Mollusca 4 Revised) Volume 4: Cretaceous Ammonoidea

b. Casey R. 1964 Monograph of the Ammonoidea of the Lower Greensand; Part VI. Palaeontographical Society London



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